Welcome to the Workshop on Teaching with Blogs and Wikis!
This page will guide you through some of the resources on this wiki website that we will use in the workshop today. You will also see a list of steps to take to build on the skills you learn today and apply them in your program.
Things you should do on this wiki during the workshop:
1) Watch the video on the Blogs page
2) Watch the video on the Wikis page
3) Read the list of teaching ideas on the Teaching with Blogs and Wikis page
4) On the Blogs and Wikis pages, explore examples of blogs and wikis in adult education
5) Do the comprehension check exercise linked on the Blogs vs Wikis page
6) Request access to this wiki so that you can comment on and edit questions
7) Create your own wiki or blog (depending on which workshop you are attending)
Things you should do after this workshop:
1) Continue posting to your blog or editing your wiki
2) Share your work! Make sure that you get the word out so you connect with your audience
3) Once you have tried using a blog or wiki with your learners, share your experiences and teaching ideas on this wiki site, and post the link to your blog/wiki if it is public.
You can view or print copies of the overview handout from this workshop here.
Comments (13)
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:44 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I can use this wiki to teach long-distance composition.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:45 pm on Aug 7, 2008
Thanks for the introduction to Wikis and Blogs! I feel less ignorant.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:45 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I would like to use a blog to keep in touch with my students during the summer.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:45 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I am looking forwarding to using a blog or wiki (I can't decide which I'd rather use! :D) for daily journal writing and editing! Thanks for the session!
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:45 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I think I will set up a Wiki to manage my online tutoring for AIWR (Alliance for International Women's Rights)
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:45 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I plan to use a WIKI to help in the group editing process for new curriculum development. I think it will be GREAT to save on meetings/travel time.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:45 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I think this would be fun to use this experience in my classroom to let people know about Northern Minnesota and the students that I serve in my area. This has been a great time learning about this! Thanks
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:45 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I think I'll use my blog to post videos and photos related to the topics we're studying in the classroom. It would be easier than having the learners navigate to many different web pages.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:46 pm on Aug 7, 2008
Thank you for all of your help. I want to bring this into a new jobs class. The students will share their knowledge on new jobs that are available. Or perhaps they can write about their job search expereince.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:46 pm on Aug 7, 2008
Thanks for showing me how to do a wiki. I will use this with l the Advanced ESL students. I think that they will enjoy practicing their writing. Jean
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:46 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I might suggest that some of the other teachers in my program use this to let their students talk with other students in the US.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:47 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I'd like to try using the blog for GEDi students. GEDi doesn't really have robust WEB2.0 tools so this might be useful.
Summer Institute Teachers said
at 2:49 pm on Aug 7, 2008
I"m thinking that in my rural southern MN area, it would be nice to use a blog or wiki for those who don't have transportation into daily job search classes. They could contact or log in from a home or public library computer, and connect and see what happened in class that day, or read about local job leads. My mind is just swimming....
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