This is an audio dropbox. You can use them to have students respond orally to a speaking prompt.
To use this tool, a student types his/her name in the box. Then they will see recording tools. They'll need a microphone or headset with a mic (some computers and laptops have built-in mics, too). The student presses the red "record" button (same as on a tape player) and speaks into the mic. They press the "stop" button when they're finished. They can listen to their recording by pressing "play". If they don't like it, they can re-record. Once they're happy with their recording, they click the greeen check "save" button. That sends the file to whoever owns the audio dropbox (presumably, their teacher!).
Please let me know what you think! How might you use an audio dropbox with your ESL or ABE/GED students? Leave me (Susan) an audio comment or question below.
Audio dropboxes are just one of many free online teaching tools you can build for free at CLEAR:
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