
Web Basics Activity Answers

Page history last edited by Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt 14 years, 11 months ago
Internet Addresses Email Addresses
news.google.com  john.anderson@gmail.com
www.mathtv.com info@englishcentral.com
www.englishcentral.com/en/videos ppl2010@yahoo.com
www.twincities.com/weather usmail@expediamail.com
www.elllo.org support@cnpp.usda.gov
www.mypyramid.gov/pyramid/vegetables.html afriend@hotmail.com
abeweb.mpls.k12.mn.us/type/  happyfaces@mail.net












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Remember that all email addresses include the @ sign between the user name (the first part of the address) and the domain name (the second part of the email address).  Most email addresses end with .com but some have other extensions (endings) such as .net .gov or .org.  Email addresses do not include the / character.


Typical Internet addresses begin with www. (for World Wide Web), but many newer Internet addresses do not use this format.  They may simply begin with part of the domain name, such as news.google.com.  Like email addresses, Internet addresses can have different extensions (endings).  The most common extension is .com, but there are many others such as .net .org .gov and even .tv!  Specific files on a website may be listed after / (a backslash), as in www.twincities.com/weather. Internet addresses never include the @ sign.

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